A journey from product to service.
This book is a practical guide that explores how startup entrepreneurs and business leaders can integrate Design Thinking and Service Design into their fast-paced development cycles by running service Design Sprints.
Service Design Sprints is a lean approach to create sustainable, desirable and profitable new services.
In the first part, Tenny explores the reasons why startups and enterprises need to move away from the “make and sell” industrial logic we’ve been exploiting over the last century. To take its place he proposes a new service oriented mindset that carries the idea of "learn, use and remember” user journeys. He also discusses the challenges our industrial society is facing and how the combination of human centered design with a service oriented mentality can be key to help new and existent businesses make this shift.
In the second part, he will take you on a journey through the MVS - Minimum Valuable Service - model. This model can seamlessly integrate Design Thinking into any Agile development cycle, like Lean Startup. It adds the human values needed to foster service innovations within the Lean’s scientific approach. In this part of the book you will learn tools, methods and practices that will help you get your hands dirty with design.
Workbook The Time Machine
This workbook was designed to help the project team gather more knowledge about the ecosystem surrounding the issue they are addressing.
WorkbookThe Hero Profile
A hero is an extreme user. One that is able to remember concealed details and walk you through vivid specifics about their struggles and experiences.
WorkbookThe Hero Quest
A journey built around the interactions, intentions and perceptions of users while dealing with the issues being studied.
WorkbookThe MVS Journey
The whats and hows of the Minimum Valuable Service, including users’ intentions, avatars and a prioritization system that informs the build backlog.
learn more about
Tenny Pinheiro
A serial entrepreneur, coding-designer, and the author of five books on Design Thinking and Service Design.

Tenny Pinheiro lives in San Francisco, CA. He is the founder and former CEO of the Latam branch of the pioneer global service design agency Livework, and the founder of the service-design for all initiative
sprintmaster.co. Tenny is also the founder of the
The Design Sprint School a pioneer online bootcamp for product managers, entrepreneurs and business leaders.
He advises and consults for Fortune 500 companies, NGOs and governmental agencies, and pens a permanent column at Core 77.
An activist for the intersection between design and service, Tenny tosses the manufacturers’ myth of make and sell in favor of a humanistic and service-oriented perspective. He believes that great services are born out of vision and sensibility towards other people’s challenges and that craftsmanship in services comes from anticipating and connecting to people's needs and desires.
For feedback, speaking and bootcamp inquiries you can reach Tenny Pinheiro directly via
download the
MVS Workbooks
Here you will find the links to download the MVS workbooks.
On creating it, Tenny has dodged the plotter urge and made the workbooks based on Letter mosaics instead. The Letter format is more convenient as it is printable anywhere. It is also easy to mount, unmount and archive. This allows startup teams to use the templates at co-working spaces, or even their local Starbucks, without much hassle.
"Good design accelerates the adoption of new ideas."
— Yves Behar
"Everything is designed. Few things are designed well."
— Brian Reed
"Design is where science and art break even."
— Robin Mathew